Here is a list of the best quotes from
Heaven Is a Playground
Rick Telander.
- "At times Fly seemed to be parodying the ghetto product, doing his best to be the shiftless, broken, hell-raising type he saw on the street corners of his neighborhood. To be just like them he needed to eliminate choices, and he was zeroing in on that goal. As I watch him staring down at the clouds I wonder if he realizes that the process has gone far enough." (105)
- "I wander out of the park in the other direction, wondering about DeMont. Does anyone care when he comes home? Does he have a father, an uncle? Does he have anyone who cares about him, and him only, who says, 'I love yuou, son. You are my flesh and my blood. You are my heart.' I wonder about many things all of a sudden, and I feel a cloud descending upon me, the cloud I have been fighting all along, the one I can't let reach me..." (128)
- "Listening to the conversation I have to wonder what college really is like for these Brooklyn youths. Away from neighborhood confines for the first extended period of time, thrown into university environments dominated by whites with little comprehension of street behavior, the players must find themselves in a strange land. Perhaps their whole personality changes to fit the surroundings; perhaps they return to smaller groups of similarly displaced blacks. At the larger, more cosmopolitan schools the change probably is not so dramatic. But at the Austin Peays and Murray States and St. Francises and Fairfields, where Rodney sends most of his players, the social climate occasionally must be so at odds with the experiences of ghetto life as to seem totally bizarre, if not incomprehensible." (168)